Engineering | Consulting | Inspections
ZCF is a company specialized in consultancy and in the integraten engineering and design in various field such as petrolchemical, oil and gas, water treatment and siderurgy.
We offer engineering and design services, material selection, corrosion calculation and study and quality control and inspections during the manufacturing stage supporting with specialized personnel such as welding engineers and NDT inspectors.
We offer a complete support, from the early design and calculation stage, going trough the material selection, ending with the fabbrication and installation stage.
We give complete support to designers providing verification of the design and calculation, 3D modelling and review of technical specifications or technical datasheet. We also provide technical manuals inspection and maintenance plans and fitness for service evaluations.
We offer support with the material selection during the design phase, both for structures and for piping and pressure vessels, with particular regards to the end users operation conditions. We offer detailed studies on corrosive mechanisms and detailed instruction to avoid and control them.
We provide multi-disciplinary technical support and inspection and quality control services directly in production facilities and at site.
We support our customers on the review of inspection and test plans, welding procedure specifications WPS , non destructiv test NDT specifications, welding books and NDT maps.
Our goal? Provide a complete high quality service to our clients, based on our long experience qualifications and professionality. We are proud to offer our services worldwide.
If you have any questions on our services, or you requre more specific informations please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be more than pleased to support you.
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